Church News

Church News

Christmas Celebration

Our church will celebrate Christmas on Sunday, December 15, 2024. The Celebration services and Revival leading up to the celebration will be a time of spiritual renewal, reflections, refreshing and praising God! Worship Service will start at 3:00 pm @ Whitehorn Community Center. Come and be part of this memorable celebration!
This year, our church will celebrate its Tenth Year Anniversary on Sunday, November 10, 2023. The Celebration services and Revival leading up to the anniversary will be a time of spiritual renewal, reflections, refreshing and praising God! This year theme: “Unity in the Spirit Through the Bond of Peace” derived from; Ephesians 4:3 NIV 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Worship Service will start at 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm at Whitehorn Community Hall…

A.C.T.S. Conference 2024

The young people are pressed with hard issues anywhere and every where that affects every aspect of life. In this journey, they need the support and encouragement of the community of believers to withstand the hardships in life. Our ACTS Conference, with this year’s theme: “Koinonia is Life“, prepares and teaches them about the essence of fellowship and equips them to be a light for Christ to their friends and families. Join us this November to hear the teachings of…

Summer Camp 2024

Join us and you will have the opportunity to learn and discover Christian values, positive relationships, bible centered study, and so much more. Who:All ages! When:Camp Check-in: Friday, June 21th @ 6:00 pmCamp Check-out: Sunday, June 23th @ 2:00 pm Where: Kasota East Camp Address: Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1S6 What to bring:PillowBlanketInsect RepellentWater BottleBeddings For more information please contact (403) 208-3754 or email:

Good Friday Service (Joint Fellowship)

Discover anew the profound work accomplished by God on the cross, so that your sole source of pride rests in the cross of Jesus Christ. The cross occupies a central place in our Christian journey. What: Good Friday Service Who: Opendoor Filipino Church, Logos Global Missions Calgary, and Mission Grace International Church When: Friday, March 29th at 2:00pm – 5:30pm Where: Located in Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre (3010 12 St NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7P7) Hebrews 10:1-18 NIV 10 The…

9th Year Church Anniversary

This year, our church will celebrate its Ninth Year Anniversary on Sunday, November 12, 2023. The Celebration services and Revival leading up to the anniversary will be a time of spiritual renewal, reflections, refreshing and praising God! This year theme: “Building Bridges, Reaching Out, Praising God”, derived from; Acts 2:44-47 NIV44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in…

Summer Camp 2023

Theme: Ephesians 4:13 Join us and you will have the opportunity to learn and discover Christian values, positive relationships, bible centered study, and so much more. Who:All ages! When:Camp Check-in: Friday, August 11th @ 3:00 pmCamp Check-out: Sunday, August 13th @ 11:00 am Where: Aspen Ranch Campground Address: Clearwater County, AB T0M 1C0 Google Map What to bring:TentInsect RepellentWater BottleBeddings For more information please contact (403) 208-3754 or email:

Good Friday Service (Joint Fellowship)

Join us in remembering Christ’s suffering as we prepare to celebrate His resurrection together on Easter! A reflection followed by a service of prayer, worship, scripture, and communion as we unpack the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. What: Good Friday Commemoration Who: OpenDoor Filipino Church, Faith Builder International Church, Logos Global Mission Calgary When: Friday, April 7th at 1:00pm – 5:00pm Where: Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre (3010 12 Street NE, Calgary, AB)

A Study on the Proper Biblical Interpretation

Join us and you will have the opportunity to learn How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth helps you accurately understand the different parts of the Bible—their meaning for ancient audiences and their implications for you today—so you can uncover the inexhaustible wealth of God’s Word. What makes this book different from other “understanding the Bible” books? For more information please contact (403) 208-3754 or email:

8th Year Church Anniversary

This year, our church will celebrate its Eighth Year Anniversary on Sunday, November 13, 2022. The Celebration services and Revival leading up to the anniversary will be a time of spiritual renewal, reflections, refreshing and praising God! This year theme: “Maturing Together in Unity”, derived from; Ephesians 4:13 NIV“until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Worship Service will start at 12:00 pm to…

Outdoor Sunday Service

We invite you to worship with us and discover the riches of God’s glory through genuine praise and worship. When you become a part of our exciting journey of faith, you will be encouraged, challenged and rewarded with renewed spirituality. This Sunday worship will be held at Clearwater Tipi Park for our Summer Outdoor Sunday Service. Located at 241050 Clearwater Drive. Google Map Direction Clearwater Park Note: Assembly time is 9:00am. It will be a potluck. We can do BBQ there too…

Summer Camp 2022

Theme: Join us and you will have the opportunity to learn and discover Christian values, positive relationships, bible centered study, and so much more. Who:All ages! When:Camp Check-in: Friday, June 24th @ 2:00 pmCamp Check-out: Sunday, June 26th @ 11:00 am Where: Tunnel Mountain Village 1 Address: Tunnel Mountain Rd, Banff, AB T0L 2C0 Google Map What to bring:TentInsect RepellentWater BottleBeddings Fees:Free – 3 days and 2 nights For more information please contact (403) 208-3754 or email: *Deadline for registration is…